Hey Shiso Society! Ready for a little wisdom from the ninja world? This week, we had the chance to sit down with Naruto Uzumaki himself. Let’s see what he has to say about resilience and never giving up!
Q1: Naruto, what keeps you going when things get tough?
I remind myself of my friends and everyone counting on me. It’s like Grandma Tsunade says—the darkness can’t last forever if you keep moving toward the light.
Of course! But that’s when I look back at how far I’ve come. Each step is worth it, even if it’s a small one. Believe it!
Q2: Do you ever feel like giving up?
Q3: What’s your advice to anyone feeling stuck?
Don’t let fear hold you back. Think of one small thing you can do, just one step forward. That’s how I started.
My friends and mentors. Without them, I wouldn’t be here. Find people who support you and remind you who you are.
Q4: Who inspires you the most?
Q5: Finally, what’s the one lesson you live by?
Never give up. Sounds simple, but when you keep that in your heart, nothing can stop you.
“Believe in yourself, even when it’s hard. That’s when magic happens.” - Naruto Uzumaki
Stay tuned—next week, we’re diving into wisdom with a certain green-haired swordsman. (Hint: He never loses his way!