Roronoa Zoro, the fearsome swordsman from One Piece, is known for his unwavering dedication and incredible strength. But beneath his intimidating exterior is a fierce loyalty and a relentless drive to achieve his dream of becoming the world’s greatest swordsman. This week, we got Zoro to sit down (in between training sessions, of course) and share some insight on what it means to stay focused, loyal, and strong.

Q1: What’s your philosophy on training, Zoro?

Train until you drop. Then get up, and train some more. The only way to get stronger is to push beyond what you think you can handle.

Setbacks are just another chance to test your resolve. If you can’t get back up after falling, you’re not ready to stand at the top.

Q2: How do you handle setbacks?

Q3: What’s your advice for staying focused on a goal?

Commit fully. Forget the distractions and focus on what you’re after. I only have one goal—to be the world’s greatest swordsman—and I don’t waste time on anything that won’t get me there.

Q4: How do you stay loyal to your crew?

I trust my captain. My loyalty is absolute because I know he’ll protect us as much as we protect him. Loyalty means putting your life on the line when it counts.

Strength isn’t just about muscle. It’s about standing firm in your beliefs, pushing forward no matter what. If you’re strong in spirit, you’re strong in battle.

Q5: What does “strength” mean to you?

“I don’t care if I die as long as I become the world’s greatest swordsman.”

Zoro’s strength is rooted in his unwavering resolve and loyalty. Next week, we’ll be diving into the world of a captain who demands discipline and respect, with his own unyielding view on survival. Stay tuned for Levi Ackerman.